by Richard Tawn | Sep 19, 2018 | Business News
Funsolve Founder and Industry Veteran Richard Tawn Leads Development Team on first major Multi-platform Project; Funsolve looks to double team size with five positions currently open to cater for two year project on new IP Rugby, UK 19th September 2018:...
by Richard Tawn | Apr 11, 2016 | Games News
Samsung GearVR experience provides a great rendition of the Arcade experience in the ‘Arcade’ app, for anyone yearning for that old school coin-up gaming this is one way of enjoying, without leaving your home or buying an expensive cabinet for the...
by Richard Tawn | Feb 23, 2016 | Community
Arch Creatives host UKIE event Speakers included IBM Softlayer, Altara Games, Press Space, Pollen and Unity. Panel included Playground Games, Pixel Toys & You42 VR is predicted to be niche in 2016 but could be profitable for some early entries UKIEs message...
by Richard Tawn | Feb 13, 2016 | Community
New course being designed with AQA Students creating playable games and are better prepared for the job market Local games businesses and leaders working with students to support education “We’re really excited to be putting this together with the help of some legends...
by Richard Tawn | Nov 13, 2015 | Thoughts
Earlier this year there were articles circulating that Facebook were considering a ‘dislike’ button for content. There was a media explosion as the articles weighed up the merits of voting things to be graded by this realm of judgement over the more...
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